Helping Facebook Engage and Recruit the Best and the Brightest
Two years ago, Facebook’s sourcing operations and engineering team came to Studio B Films and asked us to make a recruiting video to bring them the top engineering talent in the world, and that’s what we did.
Like all of our videos, the first phase was discovery -- we needed to learn to speak their language. In pre-interviews, Facebook’s engineers told us their stories. We got a taste of a company culture that fosters growth and the opportunity to be a part of history. We discovered the ins and outs of their brand and saw clearly why a career at Facebook is the best the tech industry can offer.
The resulting video of the engineering team gives a high-level overview of the sourcing operations department, their identity, and their role within the well-oiled Facebook machine.
As our video spread internally within Facebook, Foundation, a larger organization within the company, decided they wanted to make recruiting videos to showcase each organization within Facebook Foundation. Each successive video went on to highlight what makes each department distinctly remarkable. We began with one video for sourcing and ended up making eight unique videos for Facebook that we and the client both loved.